
Research Interests

Below is a selection of some research topics from my life as a physicist.

The power spectrum of primordial density
  perturbations, in a universe which tunnelled from one with fewer

The power spectrum of primordial density perturbations, in a universe which tunnelled from one with fewer dimensions, for wavevectors with different angles relative to the 'new' dimension; from 1506.07100


Inflation is a period of exponentially rapid expansion which we believe happened in the early universe, sowing the primordial perturbations which we can observe as temperature anisotropies in the cosmic microwave background and which eventually grew into stars and galaxies. I have studied various models of inflation, as well as how fine-tuned its quantum initial state must be.

Tunnelling in the Multiverse

Many theories—including string theory—seem to predict many universes, with the possibility of quantum tunnelling transitions betwen them. These events, which generally proceed via bubble nucleation, would offer an observational window on the multiverse, and I have studied the consequences of transitions which change the effective number of spatial dimensions, as well as investigated the possibility of bubbles acting as seeds for further nucleations.

A gravitational barnacle

A gravitational instanton describing a 'barnacle' nucleation; orange is the highest eneregy vacuum, blue the intermediate, and green the lowest; from 1705.09010

A graph representing a
    multi-gravity theory Bounds on the cuttoff of a
    multi-gravity theory

A graph representing a multi-gravity theory; vertices represent different metrics and edges represent interaction terms in the Lagrangian. The cutoff of the theory can be bounded by expressions involving the diameter of the graph and the number of vertices; see 1511.02877

Modified Gravity

Although Einstein's general theory of relativity is the most experimentally succesful theory of gravity we possess, we know it must be altered at high energies, and there are also reasons why one may want to do so at large, cosmological distance scales. For my D.Phil. thesis I studied theoretical aspects of multi-gravity, a theory in which there are multiple, interacting copies of general relativity.

Academic Papers

Below is a list of papers I have published; it can also be found here; my D.Phil. thesis can be found here.

On Hybrid Monodromy Inflation (Hic Sunt Dracones)
Nemanja Kaloper, Morgane König, Albion Lawrence, and JHCS

Existence of Life in 2 + 1 Dimensions
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013217 (2020)

de Sitter Branes in a Flat Bulk of Massive Gravity
Nemanja Kaloper and JHCS
JHEP 1903, 132 (2019)

Quantum Cosmic No-Hair Theorem and Inflation
Nemanja Kaloper and JHCS
Phys. Rev. D 99, 103514 (2019)

Barnacles and Gravity
JHEP 1709, 080 (2017)

Strong-coupling scales and the graph structure of multi-gravity theories
JHCS and Johannes Noller
JHEP 1601, 029 (2016)

An anisotropic universe due to dimension-changing vacuum decay
JCAP 1508, 045 (2015)

The decoupling limit of Multi-Gravity: Multi-Galileons, Dualities and More
Johannes Noller and JHCS
JHEP 1505, 034 (2015)

Cycles of interactions in multi-gravity theories
JHCS, Johannes Noller, and Pedro G. Ferreira
JHEP 1412, 160 (2014)

Interacting spin-2 fields in the Stueckelberg picture
Johannes Noller, JHCS, and Pedro G. Ferreira
JCAP 1402, 007 (2014)

Cosmology with Eddington-inpsired Gravity
JHCS, Maximo Banados, and Pedro G. Ferreira
Phys. Rev. D 86, 103533 (2012)

Inferring core-collapse supernova physics with gravitational waves
J. Logue, C. D. Ott, I. S. Heng, P. Kalmus, and JHCS
Phys. Rev. D 86, 044023 (2012)